Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pesona Tersembunyi di Balik Karang Jamuang
Letaknya yang strategis di mulut pintu masuk Surabaya menyebabkannya memiliki sejarah panjang. Terekam pula jejak-jejak administrator pelabuhan kolonial Belanda di sana berupa puing bangunan mess petugas pemandu pelayaran.
Tampaknya Pemerintah Belanda memang menganggap penting pulau ini. Buktinya, plengsengan jaman Belanda hingga kini masih berdiri kokoh di sana. Panjangnya hampir 2 kilometer mengelilingi pulau. Ini untuk menjaga agar ombak tidak menggerus pulau tersebut.
Di pesisir Utara pulau ini, terdapat 3 bunker pertahanan pantai peninggalan Belanda. Menurut SUHARSONO juru mudi kapal PT Pelindo III yang pernah 20 tahun tinggal di Pulau Karang Jamuang sebagai juru masak, dulunya 3 bunker tersebut memiliki 3 meriam kaliber kecil. Namun sekarang hanya tersisa 1, itupun telah berkarat dan tak terurus.
Semenjak ditinggal Belanda, pulau ini tetap berfungsi sebagai pemandu pelayaran. Sebuah mercu suar dengan ketinggian sekitar 80 meter dibangun di sana bersamaan dengan dibangunnya kantor navigasi untuk panduan kapal-kapal yang ingin masuk ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dan Gresik.
Sedikitnya ada 10 orang yang tinggal di sana. Seluruhnya bukan penghuni lokal, melainkan petugas pemandu pelayaran dari Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Departemen Perhubungan. Sehari-harinya mereka bertugas mengoperasikan menara suar dan memandu perjalanan kapal.
Namun di balik fungsinya sebagai pemandu kapal yang lewat Selat Madura, Pulau Karang Jamuang punya pesona lain. Vegetasi dan pasir putihnya cukup menawan dinikmati. Pantauan, sejumlah burung bangau menjadikan hutan Bakau di sisi Selatan pulau ini sebagai habitatnya. Selain itu tampak pula spesies reptil Biawak yang biasa berjemur di sekitar bunker meriam peninggalan Belanda. Pasirnya yang putih di pesisir Selatan juga terlihat eksotis.
Daya tarik ini ditambah melimpahnya berbagai jenis ikan yang layak dipancing. Menurut SUHARSONO, di perairan Utara Karang Jamuang biasanya banyak orang Surabaya datang memancing di akhir pekan. “Banyak ikan Hiu kecil di sana,” paparnya.
Sayangnya, pesona lain ini terkesan dibiarkan begitu saja. “Sebenarnya kalau dikelola untuk jadi tempat wisata, ya bagus juga, Mas,” tutur SUHARSONO berpendapat.(edy)
Teks Foto :
1. Pantai Karang Jamuang dengan pasir putihnya.
2. Bunker pertahanan pantai peninggalan Belanda. Ada meriam kaliber kecil yang kini sudah karatan.
3. Plengesengan peninggalan Belanda di pesisir Utara Pulau Karang Jamuang. Untuk melindungi pulau ini dari ombak besar.
Foto : EDDY
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today, Mount kelud is very phenomenal with its new dome that exists from its lake. To reach Mount kelud, the visitors can use motorcycle and the direction come from Kediri to Wates continued to Margomulyo – Bambingan till Jurang Gelap or Mount Pedot. From Jurang Gelap till the new dome of Mount kelud is about 2 km and you can go on foot.
Mount kelud has change, it had green crater before explode, but today the beautiful crater is gone and turn up new crater that different from the previous.
The increase of Mount kelud activities from the beginning step to the next step is show phenomenal activities that never happen before. The water temperature in 1990 exploded is about 400 Celsius, and in this activity, the water temperature is increase till 77,50 Celsius, makes thermometer broken caused of high warming. The earthquake is also has increase level, both volcanic and tectonic earthquake. The earthquake is higher compare with exploded in 1990. The white and black smokes that come out from the crater is not happen in 1990.
The climax activity of Mount kelud is to turn up a dome from the lake crater in November 5, 2007 with diameter 100 meters and 20 meters height from crater water. Today, the Lava Dome still growing slowly till 200 meters height and widened to southwest side of the lake crater wide.
The first white and black smoke are detected in November 4, 2007. At that time is 200 meters height and today the wind has blow them to south side. The white smoke is come out from the dome and blow to the air till 1.000 meters height.
If this is really the end of Mount kelud and the status is normal, with Mount kelud condition at the present, then Mount kelud has a new face. With its Dome that comes from the crater, Mount kelud is more beautiful than before, add with the other phenomenal that never happen before.
Mount kelud changes with its new Dome are very interesting for visitors. The visitors can see and enjoy its new dome if the condition is really safe to be visited. The Dome is seems to be Mount kelud’s son. There is no crater-lake or green water in Mount kelud, but the new kelud presents its new dome. Fantastic and curious nature
Kediri City
Kediri as one of East Java regency has known by many people and tourists, because it has many interesting tourism objects. Kediri is interesting regency that able to invite both domestics and foreign tourists to visit its beautiful tourism objects. This area is surrounded by mountain and has a lot of nature scenery, so that it makes its air cold and fresh. This regency also save historical value and common said has the old kingdom in Java Island.
The nature lovers are common visit this regency, because Kediri has the famous mount that is Mount Kelud. This is volcano mount, but its charming scenery has attracts the tourists to visit this mount. It has the channel to the crater, sulfuric lake, cool plantation, etc.
Beside Mount Kelud, the other Kediri’s nature scenery is Irrenggolo and Dolo Waterfall that also give the pine forest scenery. There are also the historical tourism objects such as; Surowono Temple, Tegowangi Temple, and the famous Sri Aji Joyoboyo Graveyard. Those are the original building of Kediri culture since years ago. The other interesting places in Kediri are Ubalan Park and Bendungan Gerak (move dam).
The government of Kediri regency always tries to develop Kediri tourism in order to known by a lot of people and add the income. Kediri has improved its tourism facilities to make the tourists as comfortable as well.
Welcome to Kediri Tourism, we hope that the tourists can enjoy the beautiful of tourism objects, traditional art, and historic tourism objects.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Pemerintah Minta Blogger Promosikan Pariwisata Indonesia
"Pesta blogger kedua akan memicu percepatan network online Indonesia sehingga blog akan menjadi media promosi pariwisata yang lebih efektif," kata Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik seperti dikutip Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Depbudpar Firmansyah Rahim, dalam acara Pesta Blogger 2008 di Jakarta, Sabtu.
Saat ini hampir seluruh aktivitas manusia tidak lepas dari internet sehingga promosi melalui media tersebut akan cukup efektif, diantaranya promosi mengenai dunia pariwisata.
Ia berharap para blogger terutama yang sedang berada di luar negeri turut menyebarluaskan potensi pariwisata Indonesia ke dunia, sementara pemerintah sendiri telah menciptakan terobosan promosi pariwisata melalui media online.
Sementara itu Dirjen Aplikasi Telematika Depkominfo Cahyana Ahmadijaya mengatakan, blog telah berkembang tidak hanya menyangkut blogfun tetapi sudah ke blogpreneur dan akan terus berkembang ke aspek sosial lainnya.
"Kita sudah menetapkan 27 Oktober sebagai Hari Blogger Nasional, ini akan menjadi awal tumbuhnya komunitas digital di Indonesia," katanya.
Sedangkan Menristek Kusmayanto Kadiman menjamin pemerintah akan memberi kebebasan kepada warga untuk membuat blog, namun tetap harus mematuhi aturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku.
Perkembangan blog tidak lepas dari perkembangan teknologi, dan kini tak hanya bermain pada tataran teknologi tetapi berkembang ke ekonomi dan politik sehingga blog pun menjadi komplemen (pelengkap) penyebaran informasi dari yang sudah ada.
"Blog adalah komplemen dari sumber informasi, jadi bukan pembunuh media massa yang sudah ada saat ini," katanya.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kaum Mini di Pulau Eksotik
Di antara pepohonan kelapa yang menjulang dan melambai-lambai, sosok Hasan Bura makin kentara layaknya bocah yang kekurangan gizi. Tingginya hanya sekitar 120 cm, dengan bobot 30-an kilogram. Tampak kecil dan kurus.
Itu kalau dari kejauhan. Jika didekati, Hasan Bura bukanlah bocah lagi. Raut mukanya tampak renta, dengan keriput di pipi dan sekujur tubuhnya yang hitam terpanggang matahari. Suaranya pun parau. Maklum, usianya sudah 52 tahun. ’’Beginilah, saya memang tergolong kerdil,’’ kata Hasan, agak tersipu, kepada Gatra yang menyambanginya bulan lalu.
Hasan Bura adalah satu dari 40-an warga yang bermukim di Pulau Lanjukang, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Pulau eksotik dengan hamparan terumbu karang dan rerimbunan kelapa ini masuk dalam Kelurahan Burang Caddi di Kecamatan Ujung Tanah. Uniknya, semua warganya berukuran mini alias kerdil atawa cebol. Tingginya 80-120 cm saja.
Meski bertubuh irit dan tinggal di daerah terpencil, mereka tetap bersemangat tinggi. Untuk menyambung hidup, kaum lelaki rajin menangkap ikan dan memetik kelapa. Ikan dan kelapa ini dijual kepada nelayan yang singgah di pulau itu. Sedangkan kaum perempuan memelihara ternak ayam dan itik, juga bertanam sayuran.
Hasil penjualan ikan dan kelapa dipakai untuk membeli beras di pulau terdekat yang ekonominya lebih maju, seperti Pulau Langkai. "Kalau masih ada sisanya, kami belikan air bersih dan keperluan lain untuk memperbaiki rumah," tutur Hasan. Tiap-tiap kepala keluarga memiliki perahu sederhana sebagai sarana transportasi dan menangkap ikan.
Sejak lahir, Hasan menetap di salah satu dari 11 gugusan Pulau Spermonde di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, yang menghampar antara Pulau Selayar dan pulau-pulau di Kabupaten Pangkep tersebut. Ayahnya, Muhammad Bura, kini 78 tahun, mendiami pulau itu sebelum zaman kemerdekaan. Ia hijrah dari Makassar ke sana ikut pamannya. ’’Paman mengajak saya tinggal di sini, lama-lama keterusan,’’ tutur Muhammad Bura.
Menurut dia, sang paman bernama Sossong diupah Belanda untuk menunggu pulau tersebut. Sossong mengajak Muhammad Bura remaja untuk meretas kehidupan di situ. Mulanya Muhammad Bura tak betah, tapi tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Soalnya, perjalanan ke Makassar cukup jauh dan jarang ada kapal. Pada saat ini saja, pulau itu ditempuh dua jam perjalanan dari Makassar dengan jolloro (kapal kecil tradisional Bugis-Makassar) bertenaga 40 PK.
Lama-kelamaan, Muhammad Bura pun betah di sana. Apalagi, ia kemudian menikahi Isya, gadis setempat. Tak lama setelah Sossong memboyong keluarganya dan Muhammad Bura ke pulau itu, secara berangsur-angsur pulau itu kedatangan penghuni lain, sejumlah warga yang, maaf, bertubuh cebol. Tinggi badan Isya, misalnya, hanya satu meter. Sebagian pendatang itu masih kerabat Sossong.
Dari mana asal-usul mereka, memang belum diketahui secara pasti. Yang jelas, orang cebol sudah lama ada di ’’bumi anging mamiri’’ itu. Muchlis Hadrawi, dosen Jurusan Sastra Bugis-Makassar, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, menjelaskan bahwa lontara Bugis-Makassar yang disebut lontara Ade’ pada akhir abad ke-16 membuktikan hal itu.
Dalam lontara itu dijelaskan bagaimana raja-raja memberikan hak-hak istimewa kepada orang kerdil --kerap disebut to pance, misalnya diberi ampunan bila melakukan pelanggaran sosial kemasyarakatan. Namun mereka juga tidak lepas dari batasan berkiprah di tengah masyarakat, lebih-lebih dalam struktur pemerintahan.
Pada zaman kemerdekaan, ada dugaan, kaum cebol itu terdesak dan memilih bermukim di pulau-pulau terpencil. Jumlah dan sebarannya belum diketahui secara pasti. Mereka berinteraksi dan beranak-pinak dengan kerabat sendiri, sehingga menghasilkan keturunan yang cebol pula hingga kini. Diperkirakan, perkawinan antar-kerabat ini adalah salah satu faktor utama yang menyebabkan kualitas keturunan mereka tak beranjak.
Pasangan Muhammad Bura-Isya, misalnya, dikaruniai enam anak yang cebol. Hasan Bura, anak nomor dua, cuma setinggi 1,2 meter. Saudara-saudaranya ada yang cuma setinggi 80 cm. Sang ayah, Muhammad Bura, memang tidak tergolong kerdil. Namun, agaknya, faktor genetik sang ibu dan leluhurnya yang juga cebol sangat dominan terhadap keturunan pasangan ini.
Hasan Bura mengakui, perkawinan model itu tak sehat. ’’Tapi tak ada (orang luar pulau) yang mau kami nikahi,’’ katanya. Hasan pun terpaksa mengawini kerabatnya, gadis dengan tinggi satu meter. Alhasil, keempat anaknya pun bertubuh cebol. Saudara-saudara Hasan juga mengawini kerabat dan hijrah ke Pulau Langkai, memboyong anak-anak mereka yang kerdil.
Dibandingkan dengan Pulau Langkai yang relatif lebih maju --setidaknya punya pasar tradisional dan fasilitas umum lainnya-- Pulau Lanjukang masih ketinggalan. Alamnya yang indah dengan terumbu karang di sekelilingnya agaknya belum memberi manfaat nyata bagi pulau seluas 6,3 hektare itu.
Fasilitas di situ masih amat minim. Anak-anak tak ada yang bersekolah. Selain guru tetap tak ada --yang ada cuma guru ’’terbang’’ yang mengajar satu-dua hari dalam sebulan-- mereka juga lebih suka bermain dan membantu orangtua menangkap ikan. Petugas puskesmas pun jarang datang. Satu-satunya fasilitas yang sangat disyukuri warga adalah sebuah musala yang dibangun pemerintah daerah setempat.
Dengan semua kondisi itu, termasuk tak ada fasilitas air bersih, Muhammad Bura sebagai sesepuh memilih tetap tinggal di Pulau Lanjukang. Hasan Bura dan anak-anaknya mengikuti jejak sang ayah. Beberapa kerabat mereka juga memilih tetap bermukim di pulau itu. Setiap keluarga memiliki rumah sendiri.
Dari 10 rumah yang ada, hanya rumah Hasan Bura yang lumayan. Rumah itu cukup besar. Di dalamnya ada televisi dan peralatan komunikasi. Juga ada generator, yang dimanfaatkan untuk menerangi seluruh rumah warga.
Kalau malam hari, warga menghibur diri dengan sejenak menonton televisi bersama-sama di rumah Hasan Bura. Mereka menyimak tayangan berita terkini, film laga, dan musik dangdut. Mereka pun keranjingan sinetron produk dalam negeri yang kerap menampilkan kehidupan glamor tanpa logika.
Apakah mereka berniat pindah ke kota atau pernah bermimpi mencicipi kemewahan ala sinetron tadi? Atau bermimpi mengikuti jejak Ucok Baba yang sukses menjadi artis cebol? ’’Kami tidak pernah bermimpi pindah ke kota, tidak pula bermimpi macam-macam. Kami betah dan bahagia tinggal di sini. Kaya harta bukan jaminan hidup senang,’’ kata Hasan Bura, enteng.
Taufik Alwie dan Anthony
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Kampung Naga (Dragon Village)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Must Live By Best Vacation Tips so You Have a Wonderful Trip
Traveling is such an enjoyable experience that we wish we could do it all the time. Unfortunately most of us only get a couple weeks a year (if we’re lucky) to take our vacations.
In order to ensure that those trips are the very best and everything we expect (unlike the many travel movies where there are nightmares around every corner), we want to provide our best vacation tips so your vacations are very memorable - in a good way of course.
Discount Florida Vacations Best Vacation Tips (these are in no particular order):
1. Plan early and book when a good deal fits your budget or smells right. There are more and more travel companies popping up everyday. Why? Because as the baby boomer generation gets older and once they boot their children out of the house, they are traveling more and more. Good deals are easy to find and there are many reputable companies that offer great rates and fares.
2. Know about your destination and the best times to travel. Remember when Chevy Chase takes the whole family cross country only to find out their favorite fun park is closed? Don’t let that happen to you. Know what is going on and when the best times to travel are.
For example, most people know that March and April tend to be spring break times. Well, if you take your little ones to Panama City Florida during these months, chances are you are going to run into wild, college kids. Bummer for your children and you.
3. Take care of things at home. Making sure the family pet or the house is taken care of is important. You don’t want to come home to a disaster after you’ve had a wonderful vacation.
4. Budget wisely. Even if you don’t have a budget it is smart to take care of your money. Make sure that if the worst happened you still have funds to fall back on. If you are on a budget be smart and enjoy doing things on vacation that aren’t going to have you taking out a 2nd mortgage just to pay for everything.
5. Don’t forget your important documents. There is nothing more frustrating than forgetting something when you are hundreds or thousands of miles from home.
6. Plan things to do ahead of time. Again, get to know your area of choice to determine how
close you are to various activities and restaurants. There is nothing like landing a great deal on a hotel only to find out it is miles from anything or in a location that is not suitable for a great vacation.
For example, a hotel that is so far away from the beach you need to catch a plane just to get there. Also, you want to make sure that everyone traveling with you will have fun! Again, in Vegas Vacation when the kids are too young to gamble, they have to come up with creative ways to have a good time (hence Nick Popagorgio).
7. Sign up for online newsletters and keep your ear to the ground about your destination of choice.
8. Read the fine print. This can really bite you in the behind on certain things like rentals and such.
9. Utilize a checklist and make sure everything is in order before and during the trip. From booking to packing to check in to relaxation, don’t forget anything.
10. Have fun and enjoy yourself. No matter what type of vacation you are going on, the goal is to not want to come back.
Those are our best vacation tips and we live by them each time we take a vacation. Hope you will too because we know your trip will be much more pleasurable.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Museum Empu Tantular
B. Keistimewaan
C. Lokasi
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
tour dives at karimun java
mother pepe, pawnbroker whom we make residence smile friendly moment we arrive with various diving need goods. make this mother, that thing not new matter. really the house also bearby office lsm ”alam karimun” always be transit place before do diving at karimun java.
breeding developers shark
besides memve at wreck and enjoy the white sand at p. middle, there again potential tour other that can be made maritime tour activity supporting exist in piece. karimun this java. one of them penangkaran shark at p. deer. location p. deer not far from p. kemojan make us only vacate time one day to and from there.
recorded there around 6 shark fishes exist in penangkaran. likely very attractive see shark fish, they say very savage, before very eyes and near also.
when visit to return all potential kind exist in piece. karimun java, only two akhirlah up to now new menyeriuskan by piece bational park side. karimun java as maritime tour place. while the other not yet seen bational park side demureness. because it is not impossible, when see people around activity rather less care with oceaninc conservation problem be boomerang for environment problem at region. will live up to we shall what the mentioned will be silneced and expire to like story then or want us serious up to can good for this nation also. all that is in our hand is to decides to how the good.
two days then we can go to p. middle, do our activity kernel, identify potential tour dives there. a day before that is us also do diving at p. sintok as heating.
Tengah Island this obvious a property island a millionaire which actually can also to be rented. there six houses (cottage) big there. and there old a couple of married loyal as penunggu island. this island is reasonable big. with white sand surround it, this island is seen to so beautifuler at eye. soon our scuba prepares moment entire teams arrives at there. all kind bcd, regulator, fins, snorkel mencek redo up to final we are ready submerge blow 10 morning that.
our belt system uses to identify life biota sea exist in around island. belt system that mean us do diving goes island consume time until two days. luck not many problems whom we meet moment do diving there. up to final we do identification end result counting.
by using index that appointed by depparpostel we are all that do identification declares that is potential under sea exist in p. middle this can membilang proper as tour aim region dive. support visibility (distance looks at – red) that achieve 20 meters and average fish kind achieves 30 kinds, more increase laik potential tour dives exist in there. bot to mention beauty umbu cliff the existence 80% still can membilang good.
so very lamentable that region still not yet menyeriuskan as memve point diving tour aim at karimun java.
Monday, September 8, 2008
TRAVEL REPORT by Tanja Meier
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Jasa Informasi Pariwisata Sulawesi Utara
Pusat Informasi Pariwisata ini bernama Sultan Tourist Information Service dengan singkatan “STIS” yang berkedudukan di JL. Sam Ratulangi No.12A (samping Bank BCA) Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dan didirikan tahun 2006 atas dasar tekad dan semangat dari Saudara Mohamad Naliko (Monal) selaku pengelolah untuk berkontribusi pada pembangunan pariwisata dan turut serta berperan aktif mendukung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara sebagai unggulan destinasi pariwisata indonesia yang telah ditetapkan oleh Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI tahun 2007. Disamping itu dalam menunjang program pemerintah Sulawesi Utara dalam melaksanakan WORLD OCEAN CONFERENCE (WOC) 11 – 15 mei 2009 dan program pemerintah kota Manado menuju MANADO KOTA PARIWISATA DUNIA 2010 serta menunjang program-program pengembangan Pariwisata yang ada di Sulawesi Utara
Guest's Comments - Manado North Sulawesi
Dear Monal, Thank you for being a superb tourguide for the Minahasa Highlands Tour on 15 June 2008. Although the tour was for 8 hours, we learnt much about the way of life and the culture of Manado. The scenery was beautiful and the locations visited held many interesting lessons and stories. Also, the lunch venue had excellent food! The tour was extremely enjoyable and was conducted very professionally. Monal's command of English is very good and coupled with his friendly and warm personality, he is the best tour guide ever! We highly recommend Monal and Sultan Tours to be your guide to beautiful Indonesia. :) Regards, Nicole, Pat, Richard and Sara
Date : Mon, June 30, 2008 4:56 am,
Dear Monal, Next time we take you with us as guide to Papua! The tour with you was exactly as we like it, from beginning to end, sightseeings, accommodation, organisation, your way of doing things, we had joy, we had fun all the time. As you know, we like rainforest and animals. For this Wamena (Baliem Valley) was not the right destination. We wanted to trek for 5 days. There were faszinating views, many adventurous steep paths, suspension bridges, nice people. But also very cold nights and cold on the top of the hills. No bird singing, no animals to be seen, because people catch and eat all what is moving. So we broke off after 3 days. No joke: Before we started the guide took me to the market to buy shoes. But I did the tour with my flip flops, sometimes I went barefoot - and had no problems. They never before had seen tourist without shoes. Kind regards - Ingrid
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 9:12 PM,
Dear Monal, It was a great experience to join the North Sulawesi region within three days with you. We enjoyed the family feeling, the great landscape and the special spots. Further more we took the chance to explore a foreign country with a well prepared and great educated guide. We loved each discussion and the possibility to meet local people and different cultures. We wish you all the best for your small growing business and we are sure to meet you again. Please don't hesitate to use us as reference for other swiss people. Thanks a lot for your effort.Best regards - Robert and Silke. Email :
This concerns our North Sulawesi Package Tour, which included the following highlights:Siladen Island, Bunaken Island, Minahasa Highlands and Tangkoko Nature Reserve. (from 2nd to 14th of November 2005) We highly appreciated the underwater and wildlife adventure tour organized by Monal. We have got to learn a lot about the friendly people, all kinds of edible plants, the very special animal life, the beauty of the underwater world and the marvellous scenery of volcanic mountains. We had a lot of fun and we enjoyed every day travelling with Monal. We recommend him to everybody, who wants to spend a happy and pleasant vacation under a competent and agreable guiding. Terima kasih. Mrs Gertrud Gl*****tetter-Saladin and her brother Mr Beat Saladin-Tanner Switzerland France
Monal is the best guide ever! I can recommend everyone to travel with Sultan tours. Monal can teach you all about Indonesian culture, lifestyle, nature, food &&& and it is just so much fun to spend time with him. The new page is absolutly great. I wish you and your family all the best. big hug from Switzerland – by Tanja Meier
To Whom It May Concern: I had worked for Daniel’s Homestay at Bunaken as the advisory manager for a year on 2001, and had daily contact with Mohamad Naliko / Monal who was the manager. There is no doubt in my mind that in hiring him you would be gaining a valuable employee. We first came to know each other several years ago when I stayed in Bunaken to enjoy my holidays. He came there with his customers who participated in their Trans-Sulawesi tour from Europe. I was so impressed by him as a capable guide. When I started observing the management of Daniel’s, it quickly became obvious that he is an excellent administrator. He already had built a clear system to manage the accounting and to activate all the staffs with giving great motivation. Because of his good work it was not difficult to communicate with the staffs. Only I had to do was to be a member of the team. The team worked efficiently and devotedly. He also diversified the business as selling postcards, T-shirt, and so on, by his own designing. I found his ability to create new business. He has both administering and creative skills. In short, he was not just a manager, but a good business designer as well. Needless to say about his experiences in tourism and language skills, I recommend him highly, emphasizing that he has the ability to be more than an assistant and can perform highly responsible functions as well. Sincerely, Kobayashi Hiroshi - Japan
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Province East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT) cover hundreds of island, for example Island of Timor part of west, Island Bread, Island of Sawu, Island of Solor, Island of Alor, Island of Sumba, Island of Ende, Island of Flores, and Island of Komodo. Ms. town of NTT is Mussel. In Island of Komodo there are biggest salamander [in] world, that is iguana of Komodo, which is tired wt. about 50 kilogram. Iguana of Komodo is carnivorous animal or carnivor. They eat deer, pig, bird, sometime also iguana which still is small. Iguana of Komodo also can swim and catch fish. mount have Fire to of Kalimutu which [is] height 1640 metre, located in Sub-Province of Ende, Middle Flores. In this top of the mountain there are three cauldron having water differ colour, that is is blue, greenness, and squeeze. This colours fluctuate depended from activity of magma in that mount. Besides lake which is its water colour fluctuate, noted for NTT also weave fasten him.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Indonesian National Revival
In 1908 the first nationalist movement was formed, Budi Utomo, followed in 1912 by the first nationalist mass movement, Sarekat Islam. The Dutch responded after the First World War with repressive measures. The nationalist leaders came from a small group of young professionals and students, some of whom had been educated in the Netherlands. Many, including Indonesia's first president, Sukarno (1901-70), were imprisoned for political activities.
In 1914 exiled Dutch socialist Henk Sneevliet founded the Indies Social Democratic Association. Initially a small forum of Dutch socialists, it would later evolve into the Communist Party of Indonesia.
Japanese occupation
The Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation during WWII ended Dutch rule,[22] and encouraged the previously suppressed Indonesian independence movement. In May 1940, early in World War II, the Netherlands was occupied by Nazi Germany. The Dutch East Indies declared a state of siege and in July redirected exports for Japan to the US and Britain. Negotiations with the Japanese aimed at securing supplies of aviation fuel collapsed in June 1941, and the Japanese started their conquest of Southeast Asia in December of that year. That same month, factions from Sumatra sought Japanese assistance for a revolt against the Dutch wartime government. The last Dutch forces were defeated by Japan in March 1942.
In July 1942, Sukarno accepted Japan's offer to rally the public in support of the Japanese war effort. Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta were decorated by the Emperor of Japan in 1943. However, experience of the Japanese occupation of Indonesia varied considerably, depending upon where one lived and one's social position. Many who lived in areas considered important to the war effort experienced torture, sex slavery, arbitrary arrest and execution, and other war crimes. Thousands taken away from Indonesia as war labourers (romusha) suffered or died as a result of ill-treatment and starvation. People of Dutch and mixed Dutch-Indonesian descent were particular targets of the Japanese occupation.
In March 1945 Japan organized an Indonesian committee (BPUPKI) on independence. At its first meeting in May, Supomo spoke of national integration and against personal individualism; while Muhammad Yamin suggested that the new nation should claim Sarawak, Sabah, Malaya, Portuguese Timor, and all the pre-war territories of the Dutch East Indies. The committee drafted the 1945 Constitution, which remains in force, though now much amended. On 9 August 1945 Sukarno, Hatta, and Radjiman Wediodiningrat were flown to meet Marshal Hisaichi Terauchi in Vietnam. They were told that Japan intended to announce Indonesian independence on 24 August. After the Japanese surrender however, Sukarno unilaterally proclaimed Indonesian independence on 17 August.
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
Election of Mayor
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Area Potensions
Situation of good road in general and pave so that can reach with vehicle two and also wheel four. Travelled distance of Bandung 47 km.
Coastal forest only there are in part of area west and east. Growed by formation tree of Barringtonia, like Butun ( Barringtonia Aseatica), Cassia alata ( Terminalia Catappa), Nyamplung ( Callophyllum Inophyllum) and Waru Sea ( Hibiscus Tiliaceus).
Besides Tours objek in the form of natural forest and also crop, other fascination is white sands, natural goa and fossil and also Stone of Kalde. Following breakdown of from each natural tours obyek.