
Monday, August 31, 2009

Angklung Traditional Musical Instrument From West Java

Angklung Traditional Musical Instrument From West Java 1
In the play, art angklung a lot of personal needs. Musical instrument made of bamboo in which its use in a way shaken. In this way the instrument sounds a very distinctive loud. Angklung form consists of two sticks of bamboo in various sizes according to the needs of high and low tones - shaped like musical instruments calung. Only, the acquisition is not driven sound angklung as calung art, but shaken to the touch between the elements in the body is able to angklung produced a tone.

Angklung Traditional Musical Instrument From West Java 2

Angklung is developing now is angklung in diatonic tones, which are developed by Angklung Daeng Soetigna artists. Hence, the name for Soetigna Daeng Sundanese musical repertory as Mr. Angklung dikenap diatonic chromatic scale, the artists who pioneered the change of tone pentatonic angklung (da-mi-na-ti-la-da, the barrel Salendro) as it developed in areas such as the Pandeglang and Banten Attack to the diatonic tones. In the area of Banten this pentatonic Angklung art better known to art angklung gubrag, angklung sered, or angklung beans.

Angklung Traditional Musical Instrument From West Java 3

In the latest development of the art angklung (diatonic) became quite popular art, and has a pretty good place in society, especially the upper middle class. This art practice in the form of an orchestra (between 30 to 60 personal) usually consumed by government officials or in official guest pernyambutan from within and abroad. Therefore, no wonder that this art is one art that often appear in state court.

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