
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Trip to Tana Toraja, report by Anke Andree -

A Short Trip into Toraja Land – A great Experience Many of our guests liketo combine the diving with a sightseeing visit and the traditional Indonesia.Sulawesi island contains a great variety of exotic people, culture and naturalwonders. It is another unspoiled paradise. A journey into the strange world ofmysterious Toraja people is truly a rare adventure, made especially eerie bytheir hauting tombs - holes carved out of sheer rock faces guarded by woodeneffigies that stare out across the jungle.

Toraja Land, is known for its unique culture and ancient traditions. Thecenter of tourism is Rantepao, 328 km from Makassar by road (about 8hours). The Toraja has preserved part of theirs culture until this days, thetraditional houses or Tongkonan are of exceptional beauty, they are raised onpiles and topped with massive roof.

What have we seen:

Flight MANADO-MAKASSAR Pare Pare – Toraja with car stop on the PuncakLakawan for having coffee break while enjoy the wonderful view of MountButtukabobong. Lemo- hanging graves with its rows of Tau-Tau, On to Londa thenatural grave where the deceased are entombed. Kete Kesu is a local Torajanvillage where we saw the traditional Tongkonan houses and the rice barns.Pallawa & Sa'dan, local Torajan village famous as the wood carving andweaving center. Suaya & Kambira, where we explored the secret of babygraves. Onwards to Bori where we visited the ancient stone megaliths. Marante& Nanggala, local Torajan villages famous for their large Tongkonan and oldrice barns. Scenic drive to Batutumonga where we had many spectacular views,green rice terraces and other unique sites around the area. The Highlight ofthe trip was definitely attending one of the funeral ceremonies and the localanimal market.

We where guided during these Tour by Monal, Sultan Tours, and it was fromthe first until the last minute a spectaculare trip with 100% service fromMonal. With his competent knowledge and friendly personality he made that tripdefinitely unique for us. More then recommendable!! www.sultan-tours.comund

More picts from that trip you can find in Facebook at the blue bay divers page.

enjoy your next trip to Sulawesi. Anke und Salmon

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